OK I have never broke down what the Stiletto Squad is or who we are. How we work none of that. So this is the best time to do it. OK So we are a group of young ladies who met on the campus of NC A&T SU! (Aggie pride) Original members are Miss Avia
Remy V. Lady Jacole and Empress Journee . Why are we known as the Stiletto Squad well hell its because we have a mean shoe game. And we are drivin young ladies. The odd thing about our friendship is we are not just a group of fly chicks. But we all college degrees. Have our own! Homes Cars and hell even our own companies. YEP! We do it huge fuck big. Remy V. has her own production company DOHH or Days of Hip Hop. She is doing the damn thing. Now Miss. Avia & Lady Jacole have bonded their companies together creating Dimesions Marketing. Miss. Avia handles the models & styling. Lady Jacole is the Graphic Designer of the crew handling Flyer Design Logo's Poster etc. You can check them out on www.dimensionsvision.com Now me I'm Empress Journee & i'm a promoter. I work mostly with rappers all over! But I do promotions for different companies as well. Hell you are already on my web site www.EmpressJournee.com but don't worry about it. My web designer is all on it. :-) Now with our powers combine we become captin planet lol. jokes but we do become a force to be fucking with. We support each other in EVERYTHING we do. We ride for each other and refuse to fail. We are our own street team. We often help different clubs & events promote different things. We are just taking over the world. So watch out. http://www.myspace.com/stelettosquad
I'm just Journee! & the thoughts in this blog are those of Empress Journee.... If you agree great.... If you don't great.... But I bet I made you think....
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