So now its time to meet someone very very very important to me. I love him too death! I met him my freshman year @ NC A&T SU! (Aggie Pride) When I was a DJ on 90.1. & we have been tight ever since. He's my friend and so much more. He has supported my business from day one. Best graphic artist ever. He has handle everyone of my graphic projects but one. (I have another homie that's a graphic artist and I had to use him @ lest once. But its me and Chris all day!) Trust its not too many people who can understand me when I get to trying to describe what I want. Big small colorful i mean more colorful! I will be the 1st to tell you I can be scattered brained! But he always pulls off excellent work. But trust it don't stop there! He is also a hella great producer! Yep! Can you say SKiLLZ! The boy is BAD. Make sure you check out his pod cast he's doing the damn thing!
And ladies he's above 25 sexy as FUCK! College educated and single no kids!!!!!! Plug!!!!!! {Ha he's going to kill me! Its all love!}
Make sure you check him out for your producing and graphic needs.
I'm just Journee! & the thoughts in this blog are those of Empress Journee.... If you agree great.... If you don't great.... But I bet I made you think....
I'm sure he has gotten tons of requests on myspace from single ladies now thanks to you ;) shoot if I was him I wouldn't be mad lol ;)
He got a kick out of it! LOL
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